【Daily Bread】Fathers and Sons 父与子 In God’s power and love, draw closer to others while there’s time. 2018-11-08
【Daily Bread】对不起 I’m Sorry Christ sets us free to forgive.基督赦免我们,让我们也能饶恕人。 2018-11-07
【Daily Bread】陪儿拔牙记 Dad at the Dentist Our loving heavenly Father promises He is always present with us, even in our darkest moments. 2018-11-06
【Daily Bread】Wisdom’s Source 智慧之源 Need wisdom? Seek it from the Source who alone can provide it—God. 2018-11-05
【Daily Bread】Still the King 仍然做王 God will defend His Name.上帝会维护祂的圣名。 2018-11-04
【Daily Bread】Catching Foxes 擒拿狐狸 God can guard our relationship with Him. 2018-11-02
【Daily Bread】Compassion Fatigue 爱心疲乏 In a world filled with heartache, we can model the compassion of Jesus. 2018-11-01
【Daily Bread】Hope in the Darkness 黑暗中的盼望 The world hopes for the best, but the Lord offers the best hope. 2018-10-31
【Daily Bread】Agreeing to Disagree 求同存异 We can agree to disagree—in love. 2018-10-30
【Daily Bread】时时感恩 Getting a Grip on Gratitude Grateful praise satisfies us and pleases God. 2018-10-29
【Daily Bread】Your Way, Not Mine 凭祢意行 God always deserves our commitment and praise.上帝配得我们全然摆上和赞美。 2018-10-28
【Daily Bread】Unexpected Kindness 意外的善举 We’ve been created to share God’s love through giving His gifts. 2018-10-27
【Daily Bread】The Great Crescendo 伟大的顶峰 Celebrate the gift of Jesus!同来欢庆耶稣这宝贵的礼物! 2018-10-26
【Daily Bread】Where Is Peace 哪里有平安? God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Hi 2018-10-25
【Daily Bread】Impossible to Hold 不被辖制 The grip of the grave is no match for the power of God。 2018-10-24
【Daily Bread】Choosing the Trail 选择道路 Choose to walk the road of life with Jesus.选择与耶稣同走那生命之路。 2018-10-23
【Daily Bread】Treasure in a Pumpkin 南瓜里的宝贝 God’s power is at work within us. 2018-10-22
【Daily Bread】My Real Face 真面目 God accepts us as we are, and changes us as we serve Him in love. 2018-10-21
【Daily Bread】Always Accepted 永远接纳 We’re not perfect, but we’re loved. 2018-10-20
【Daily Bread】Bring Your Boats 竭力行善 God provides for His people through His people. 2018-10-19