【Daily Bread】Finding the Way Home 你曾经历 Never forget in the light what you learn in the darkness 2018-09-05
【Daily Bread】Strength for Your Journey 旅途力量 We can trust the Lord to be our strength in tough time 2018-09-04
【Daily Bread】Officer Miglio’s Heart 警官的心 Our earthly families may fail us, but our heavenly Father never will. 2018-09-02
【Daily Bread】Call for Help 求主帮助 Rescue comes to those who call on Jesus for help. 2018-09-01
【Daily Bread】The House on the Rock 建在磐石上 Hearing and obeying Jesus gives our lives a strong foundation. 2018-08-31
【Daily Bread】You Love Me 你爱我吗? Our heavenly Father corrects us and comforts us. 2018-08-30
【Daily Bread】Serve Continually 经常事奉 Time with God transforms us. 2018-08-29
【Daily Bread】Serve Continually 经常事奉 Time with God transforms us. 2018-08-28
【Daily Bread】Unfrozen 别这么认定 If we confront someone, we should have one goal in mind 2018-08-27
【Daily Bread】Generous Givers 慷慨献上 God gives first, and He always outgives His most generous givers. 2018-08-26
Daily Bread | We Would See Jesus 看见耶稣 We can see Jesus in the lives of His followers. 2018-08-25
Daily Bread | An Enduring Happiness 恒久的喜乐 Happiness is doing the right thing. 2018-08-24
【Daily Bread】God’s Care for Us 呵护备至 Jesus loves us so much He sacrificed Himself for our sins. 2018-08-23
【Daily Bread】A Prayer to Point Us Home 看见天家 A bright new morning awaits us in Jesus.在耶稣里,全新的早晨将迎接我 2018-08-22
【Daily Bread】In Progress or Completed 完成了吗? God is at work to make us who He intends us to be.上帝仍在 2018-08-21
【Daily Bread】Marvelous Maker 奇妙的造物主 God’s works are marvelous, and so is He. 2018-08-20
【Daily Bread】Jesus Reached Out 耶稣伸手搭救 God is waiting for us to turn to Him so He can reach out and help. 2018-08-18
【Daily Bread】Heart Hunger 心灵饥渴 Jesus alone offers the only bread that truly satisfies. 2018-08-17
【Daily Bread】Riding the Rapids 急流泛舟 God steers us through difficult times. 2018-08-16
【Daily Bread】The Gift of Time 时间的礼物 Sometimes our to-do list needs to wait. 2018-08-15