【Daily Bread】Mirrors and Hearers 镜子和圣经 As a mirror reflects our image, the Bible reveals our inner being.x0a镜子反映形象,圣经显明人心。 2018-12-23
【Daily Bread】Hope Is Our Strategy 盼望为上策 What does it take to maintain hope in harsh times? Watching. Waiting. Praying. Remembering. 2018-12-22
【Daily Bread】Don’t Be Afraid 不要怕! Jesus was God and man in one person, that God and man might be happy together again. 2018-12-21
【Daily Bread】 Following the Leader 跟从领袖 Our lives are a window through which others can see Jesus.x0a我们的生命是一扇窗,能使别人看见耶稣。 2018-12-20
【Daily Bread】A Christmas Letter 圣诞佳书(英语) How can you share the amazing gift of Jesus with others today?x0a你今日如何与人分享耶稣这份奇妙的礼物? 2018-12-19
【Daily Bread】The Great Awakening 一觉醒来 For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity. x0a死亡只是我们从今生迈入永恒的转折点。 2018-12-18
【Daily Bread】From Shame to Honor 除去羞耻 Keep living for Him faithfully and waiting patiently for His plan.x0a忠心为主而活,耐心等候祂的计划。 2018-12-17
【Daily Bread】Expect the Messiah 期待弥赛亚 What are some practical ways you can remind yourself or others that God is in control and He is able? 2018-12-16
【Daily Bread】Mosaic Of Beauty 美丽的壁画 Make a list of the ways God has blessed you this year and reflect on it in silence. 2018-12-15
【Daily Bread】Heaven’s Love Song 天国的情歌 In what ways can you thank God today through simple acts of kindness?x0a今天,你如何透过爱的举动来感谢上帝呢? 2018-12-14
【Daily Bread】The “Hope for a Baby” Tree 求子树 The best reason for hope is God’s faithfulness.x0a我们有盼望是因为上帝永远信实。 2018-12-13
【Daily Bread】The “No-Secret” Secret 没有秘诀 Without Jesus, salvation and spiritual growth are both gifts beyond our reach.x0a我们靠着耶稣得着救恩,灵命得以成长。 2018-12-12
【Daily Bread】“The Lord’s” 属耶和华的 How can the truth that you belong to God impact how you live?x0a知道你是属上帝的,会如何影响你的生活? 2018-12-10
【Daily Bread】Steadfast Love 不变的爱 Take time to show the love of God to someone today. 2018-12-09
【Daily Bread】Home 家 | 你身边有谁需要永恒的家园呢? Who can you talk to today about their need for an eternal home and the assurance that would bring them? 2018-12-08
【Daily Bread】God’s Hidden Hand 上帝的手 What steps can you take to discern God’s leading or to act on His call for your life? 2018-12-07
【Daily Bread】Lonely Christmas 孤单的圣诞节(英语) With Jesus at Christmas, we’re never alone. 2018-12-06
【Daily Bread】 A Hand Up 扶持的手 How can you open yourself more fully to God’s presence in your life? 2018-12-05
【Daily Bread】Thanks for Being You 你真好! Who can you share God’s love with today? 2018-12-03