【Daily Bread】It’s Not About the Fish 跟鱼无关 Our love has limits; God’s love is limitless. 2018-09-26
【Daily Bread】Many Beautiful Things 许多美事 May our lives display the beauty of God. 2018-09-25
【Daily Bread】Walking God’s Way 行上帝之路 God patiently directs us as we trust Him and listen for His voice. 2018-09-24
【Daily Bread】Listening to Your Brother 听从良言 Wisdom grows when we listen to the words of mature believers 2018-09-23
【Daily Bread】Unexpected Ways 出人意表 God won’t shout if we only need a whisper. 2018-09-22
【Daily Bread】Where to Find Hope 盼望何处寻 Hope is the anchor of the soul. 2018-09-20
【Daily Bread】A Fitting Time 正合其时 God brings beauty from all seasons. 2018-09-19
【Daily Bread】Engraved on His Hands 铭刻在掌上 The Lord engraves us on the palms of His hands. 2018-09-18
【Daily Bread】爱的典范 Legacies of Love When we share our faith, we share the greatest treasure of all. 2018-09-17
【Daily Bread】The Right Way to Pray 祷告方式 Calling on Jesus as our loving Savior and Lord is the right way to pray. 2018-09-16
【Daily Bread】The Ultimate Satisfaction 真正的满足 Only God will satisfy our spiritual hunger. 2018-09-15
【Daily Bread】有益处吗?Good for You God’s Word is the only sure foundation for life. 2018-09-14
【Daily Bread】What’s in a Name 名字的意义 Jesus’s name is also His mission—to seek and to save that which was lost. 2018-09-13
【Daily Bread】Is There Wi-Fi 有无线网络吗? What we let into our minds shapes the state of our soul 2018-09-12
【Daily Bread】How to Stand Firm 站立得稳 Dressed in His righteousness alone 2018-09-10
【Daily Bread】They Smelled Like Christ 馨香如基督 Who smells like Christ to you? 2018-09-09
【Daily Bread】Being Real with God 诚实无伪 Distractions don’t have to derail our prayers. 2018-09-08
【Daily Bread】Unchanging Love 不变的爱 In our changing world, we can always depend on our unchanging God. 2018-09-07
【Daily Bread】Finding the Way Home 你曾经历(重发) Never forget in the light what you learn in the darkness 2018-09-06
【Daily Bread】Beyond the Stars 星宿之上 The greatness of God is evident in His awesome 2018-09-06