【Daily Bread】God Hears 上帝垂听 Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings. Hebrews 10:22 2018-12-02
【Daily Bread】Honoring God with Thanks 以感谢荣耀上帝 My gratitude to God is great to Him.上帝看重的是我们感恩的心。 2018-12-01
【Daily Bread】Lord of the Moment 上帝掌管时间 Our lives are better off in God’s hands than in our own.让我们把生活中的每个时刻,都交由上帝来掌管。 2018-11-30
【Daily Bread】A Solid Foundation 危机变契机 What are you building your life around?你生命的根基是什么? 2018-11-29
【Daily Bread】Putting Up Hay 打工记 What a privilege to be sons and daughters of the King! 2018-11-28
【Daily Bread】God Is Here 上帝同在 God is always present and at work.永活的上帝一直都在彰显祂的作为。 2018-11-27
【Daily Bread】A Constant Helper 随时的帮助 When it is a question of God’s almighty Spirit, never say, “I can’t.” —Oswald Chambers 2018-11-26
【Daily Bread】Quiet Witness 沉默的见证 Our lives speak louder than our words. 生命的见证胜过千言万语。 2018-11-25
【Daily Bread】What We Have 按自己的能力 God loves wholehearted giving of any measure. 2018-11-23
【Daily Bread】A Hidden Ministry 隐藏的事奉 God hears the prayers of His people.上帝垂听祂儿女的祷告。 2018-11-22
【Daily Bread】Hard Conversations 智慧的劝阻 Sometimes following God means difficult conversations. 2018-11-20
【Daily Bread】Don’t Stop Building 坚持下去 Remain strong, for God’s eye is on you.当坚持下去,上帝正看顾你。 2018-11-18
【Daily Bread】 Thanks For Who God Is 感谢祢那么好 There are countless reasons to thank God, including for who He is! 2018-11-16
【Daily Bread】Dangerous Distractions 干扰 To a world living in the fog of distraction, we bring the light of the good news of Jesus. 2018-11-15
【Daily Bread】Bound To Encourage 彼此勉励 Encouragement is water to the soul.鼓励的话语能滋润人心。 2018-11-14
【Daily Bread】Don't delay 莫延迟 Jesus ChristALWAYS LEAD YOU... 请关注我们: JesusChrist611 2018-11-13
【Daily Bread】Who’s Driving 谁在开车? Christ sets us free to forgive.What God requires He also inspires. 2018-11-12
【Daily Bread】Confident Hope 有把握的盼望 Sacrifices offered to God are opportunities to showcase His love. 2018-11-11
【Daily Bread】His Presence 上帝的同在 There’s no need to fear where you’re going when Jesus is going with you. 2018-11-10
【Daily Bread】What We Can Do 尽己所能 We can model Christ’s love by doing what we can to serve others. 2018-11-09