
【Daily Bread】Bring Your Boats 竭力行善

God provides for His people through His people.


Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. Proverbs 3:27


Hurricane Harvey brought catastrophic flooding to eastern Texas in 2017. The onslaught of rain stranded thousands of people in their homes, unable to escape the floodwaters. In what was dubbed the “Texas Navy,” many private citizens brought boats from other parts of the state and nation to help evacuate stranded people.


The actions of these valiant, generous men and women call to mind the encouragement of Proverbs 3:27, which instructs us to help others whenever we are able. They had the power to act on behalf of those in need by bringing their boats. And so they did. Their actions demonstrate a willingness to use whatever resources they had at their disposal for the benefit of others.


We may not always feel adequate for the task at hand; often we become paralyzed by thinking we don’t have the skills, experience, resources, or time to help others. In such instances, we’re quick to sideline ourselves, discounting what we do have that might be of assistance to someone else. The Texas Navy couldn’t stop the floodwaters from rising, nor could they legislate government aid. But they used what they had within their power—their boats—to come alongside the deep needs of their fellow man. May we all bring our “boats”—whatever they may be—to take the people in our paths to higher ground.


Lord, all that I have is from You. Help me to always use what You’ve given me to help others.


Proverbs 3:21-31    NIV

3 My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion; 22 they will be life for you, an ornament to grace your neck. 23 Then you will go on your way in safety, and your foot will not stumble. 24 When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. 25 Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, 26 for the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared. 27 Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. 28 Do not say to your neighbor, “Come back tomorrow and I’ll give it to you”—  when you already have it with you. 29 Do not plot harm against your neighbor, who lives trustfully near you. 30 Do not accuse anyone for no reason— when they have done you no harm. 31 Do not envy the violent or choose any of their ways.

箴言 3:21-31 

3 我儿,要谨守真智慧和谋略,不可使他离开你的眼目。 22 这样,他必做你的生命,颈项的美饰。 23 你就坦然行路,不致碰脚。 24 你躺下,必不惧怕;你躺卧,睡得香甜。 25 忽然来的惊恐,不要害怕;恶人遭毁灭,也不要恐惧。 26 因为耶和华是你所倚靠的,他必保守你的脚不陷入网罗。27 你手若有行善的力量,不可推辞,就当向那应得的人施行。 28 你那里若有现成的,不可对邻舍说:“去吧,明天再来,我必给你。” 29 你的邻舍既在你附近安居,你不可设计害他。 30 人未曾加害于你,不可无故与他相争。 31 不可嫉妒强暴的人,也不可选择他所行的路



Helping others by doing good when it’s in our power to act (Proverbs 3:27–28) is also the focus of Paul’s instructions to believers. Encouraging us to live meaningful and purposeful lives before a watching, non-believing world, Paul tells us to “be very careful, then, how [we] live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity” (Ephesians 5:15–16). Careful living means we are to live godly lives as “children of light” pleasing to the Lord (vv. 8, 10). Paul expects “those who have trusted in God [to] devote themselves to doing what is good” (Titus 3:8). We are to adopt a never-give-up attitude when it comes to serving others: “Let us not become weary in doing good . . . . As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:9–10).

箴言告诉我们,若有行善的能力,就当尽力去帮助别人(3章27-28节),这也是保罗对信徒的重要教导。在这个不信的世代,许多人会关注基督徒的一举一动,因此,保罗鼓励我们要活出有意义、有目标的人生,他提醒我们:“要谨慎行事,不要像愚昧人,当像智慧人。要爱惜光阴”(以弗所书5章15-16节)。“谨慎行事”意味着,我们要活出敬虔的生活,如同“光明的子女”,讨主的喜悦(8、10节)。保罗期待“那些已信上帝的人留心行善”(提多书3章8节,和合本修订版),并要我们以永不放弃的态度去服事人,就像保罗所说:“我们行善,不可丧志; ……所以,有了机会,就当向众人行善,向信徒一家的人更当这样。”(加拉太书6章9-10节)

What can you do this week to serve someone?



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