【Daily Bread】From Worms to War 不要惧怕 To take the fear out of living, put your faith in the 2017-11-07
【Daily Bread】The Good Shepherd 好牧人 The Good Shepherd cares for His sheep. 2017-11-06
【Daily Bread】Two-Winged Sun 双翼太阳 Call out to God; He is wanting to hear from you. 2017-11-05
【Daily Bread】Wake-Up Call 警醒 Spending time with Jesus is a joy!与主亲近,何等喜乐!Wake up! S 2017-11-04
【Daily Bread】Enough 充足有余 An offering given in faithful obedience is just right. 2017-11-02
【Daily Bread】若早知道 If I Knew Then In his great mercy [God] has given us new birth into a 2017-10-31
【Daily Bread】以爱环绕 Hovering Over Us Our God hovers over us with love.上帝以爱环绕、看顾我们。He shield 2017-10-30
【Daily Bread】Divine Interruptions 干扰 Interruptions can be opportunities to serve. 2017-10-29
【Daily Bread】Conceived in Crisis 因危机而生 Your next crisis is your next opportunity to trust our 2017-10-28
【Daily Bread】The Perfect Prayer Partner 完美的祷告伙伴 There’s no greater privilege than praying with Jesus.有 2017-10-27
【Daily Bread】 It Takes Time to Grow 成长需要时间 Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in 2017-10-26
【Daily Bread】New: Inside and Out 里外都更新 Only God can make us new.只有上帝能使我们成为新造的人。No one can see 2017-10-25
【Daily Bread】Fresh Faith 重燃信心 Read: John 20:24–29 | Bible in a Year: Isaiah 7–8; Eph 2017-10-24
【Daily Bread】 The Day I Couldn’t Pray 当我无法祷告 Read: Romans 8:22–26 | Bible in a Year: Isaiah 5–6; Ep 2017-10-23
【Daily Bread】Clothes for the Climate 齐全的装备 【Daily Bread】Clothes for the Climate 齐全的装备 2017-10-22
【Daily Bread】Apart but Not Abandoned 离而不弃 Though we’re far away from those we love, they are nev 2017-10-21
【Daily Bread】From Empty to Full 丰盛有余 Jesus’s sacrifice pays for our spiritual debt.耶稣的牺牲为我们 2017-10-20
【Daily Bread】Living in Tents 以帐棚为家 God gives us a solid foundation for our lives.上帝是我们生命的 2017-10-19
【Daily Bread】What Simon Said 西门的回应 Our obedience to God will guide us through the unknown 2017-10-18
【Daily Bread】Sweet and Sour 酸甜人生 Read: Job 2:1–10 | Bible in a Year: Ecclesiastes 10–12 2017-10-17