【Daily Bread】Who Is This 这是谁? Read: Mark 4:35–41 | Bible in a Year: Jeremiah 24–26; 2017-11-29
【Daily Bread】Living Anonymously 成为无名氏 Always be humble before God and allow Him to be your a 2017-11-28
【Daily Bread】 God Provides 上帝供应 Our needs will never exhaust God’s supply.上帝的供应取之不尽,用之 2017-11-27
【Daily Bread】Rooted in God 在主里扎根 When we follow God, He makes us to flourish.跟随上帝就能得着丰盛 2017-11-26
【Daily Bread】Exceedingly Better 远远超过 God’s gift to us in Jesus Christ exceeds all gifts.上帝藉 2017-11-24
【Daily Bread】Unraveling the Mysteries 揭开奥秘 A commitment to read and follow God’s Word begins a da 2017-11-23
【Daily Bread】Trust Tally 信实可靠 God’s past faithfulness proves His everlasting dependa 2017-11-22
【Daily Bread】Surviving the Wilderness 活水 Read: Exodus 17:1–7阅读: 出埃及记17章1-7节The message they hea 2017-11-21
【Daily Bread】 Jesus in Disguise 乔装的耶稣 Read: Matthew 25:31–40 阅读: 马太福音25章31-40节 Whatever you 2017-11-20
【Daily Bread】Your Safe Place 安全之地 God is a safe place in life’s storms.上帝是生命暴风中的安全之地。The 2017-11-19
【Daily Bread】Brother to Brother 从相争到相爱 Sibling rivalry is natural. God’s love is supernatural 2017-11-18
【Daily Bread】Love of Another Kind 彼此相爱 Share Christ’s love with another.与人共享基督的爱。My command i 2017-11-17
【Daily Bread】我们已经得到那能力!We’ve Got the Power The Holy Spirit transforms us through His love and by 2017-11-15
【Daily Bread】Invisible Influence 无形的力量 Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:16–24 | Bible in a Year: Isaia 2017-11-14
【Daily Bread】An Encounter with Stones 石板省思 Read: Isaiah 53:1–6 | Bible in a Year: Isaiah 53–55; 2 2017-11-13
【Daily Bread】Room 5020 5020病房 By God’s grace, we can have our best witness in the wo 2017-11-12
【Daily Bread】Creation Care 爱惜保护 The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth 2017-11-11
【Daily Bread】Held by God 在祂怀中 I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned c 2017-11-09
【Daily Bread】A New Name 祂赐新名 Read: John 1:35–42 | Bible in a Year: Isaiah 41–42; 1 2017-11-08