【Daily Bread】Precious to God 上帝所宝贵的 God’s love is meant to be shared.当与人分享上帝的爱。Dear friend 2018-03-31
【Daily Bread】We Won't Break 不被压垮 Worry won’t break us when we trust the Giver of all go 2018-03-29
【Daily Bread】Lost but Found 失而复得 Amazing grace! . . . I once was lost, but now am found 2018-03-28
【Daily Bread】The Release of Fear 消除恐惧 The Lord releases us from fear.上帝能消除我们的恐惧。Take courage 2018-03-27
【Daily Bread】Our Sure Foundation 必得安稳 The Lord Himself is our strong foundation in life.唯有上帝 2018-03-25
【Daily Bread】别像杂草 Blooming in the Right Spot God invites us to participate with Him in taking the g 2018-03-24
【Daily Bread】Mercy over Judgment 怜悯胜过审判 God’s mercy prompts us to be merciful.上帝的怜悯激励我们以恩慈待人。S 2018-03-23
【Daily Bread】Buckling Up 系好安全带! Although we cannot anticipate the trials of life, we c 2018-03-22
【Daily Bread】Of Spiders and God's Presence 就在你身边 God is always near in spite of our fears.虽然我们心中惧怕,但上帝就 2018-03-21
【Daily Bread】The Great Physician 蒙福的生命 When God is our home, our hope is in Him.得着属灵的福气胜过身体得医 2018-03-20
【Daily Bread】Not Enough 不够? When we believe that God is good, we can learn to open 2018-03-19
【Daily Bread】Fleeing to Strength 逃向耶稣! God alone can meet our deepest needs and give us soul- 2018-03-18
【Daily Bread】Courage to Be Faithful 不要惊慌 Let us be bold as we witness for God.让我们勇敢地为上帝作见证。Do n 2018-03-17
【Daily Bread】The Advance Team 预备地方 We can trust God to lead us through difficult times. 2018-03-14
Daily Bread】Unlikely Friends 不可能的友谊 God loves you and me—let’s love each other.上帝爱我们,让我们也彼 2018-03-09
【Daily Bread】The Problem with Pride 骄傲 True humility comes from God. 2018-03-08
周三【Daily Bread】A Blanket for Everyone 爱的毛毯 God loves you and me—let’s love each other. 2018-03-07
【Daily Bread】Listening to His Voice 听祂的声音 God speaks through His Word when we take time to liste 2018-03-04
【Daily Bread】It Is Amazing 上帝的荣耀 We can see and enjoy the glory of God both now and for 2018-03-03
【Daily Bread】Able and Available 祂能够,祂愿意 God is always able and available to help us. 2018-02-26