【Daily Bread】Coming Alongside 互相扶持 Hope can be ignited by a spark of encouragement.小小的鼓励就 2016-07-26
【Daily Bread】同心呼求 Join the Cry Prayer for those in authority is both a privilege and 2016-07-25
【Daily Bread】等候上帝 Waiting on God Wait and witness till Jesus returns.耐心等候,勤作见证,直到主再临。 [ 2016-07-24
【Daily Bread】快进来坐 Come Sit a Spell The best gift you can give to others may be your time. 2016-07-23
【Daily Bread】Called by Name 祂认识你 God’s knowledge of us knows no bounds.上帝完全认识我们。He call 2016-07-20
【Daily Bread】Our Way of Life 生活方式 Let your light shine before others, that they may see 2016-07-19
【Daily Bread】忘记背后 Leaving the Past Behind 若有人在基督里,他就是新造的人。-哥林多后书5章17节克里斯·贝克(Chris Baker)是一位刺青艺术 2016-07-18
【Daily Bread】His Loving Presence 慈爱的同在 There is peace in the presence of God.有上帝同在,就有平安。Never 2016-07-14
【Daily Bread】Serving Christ 服事基督 Serving shows our love for God.服事表明了我们对上帝的爱。Obey [your 2016-07-13
【Daily Bread】偏远之地 A Remote Location We can trust God to do what we cannot do.My God will 2016-07-12
【Daily Bread】Defeat or Victory 失败或胜利? When it comes to problems, the way out is to trust God 2016-07-07
【Daily Bread】Marathon Reading 马拉松式读经 The goal of Bible study is not just learning but livin 2016-07-06
【Daily Bread】Some Assembly Required 遵守指示 Our greatest privilege is to enjoy God’s presence.与主同行 2016-07-05
【Daily Bread】沟通的语言 Ture Communication Love is the language everybody understands.爱是共通的语言。A c 2016-07-04
【Daily Bread】God of the Ordinary 平凡中的不凡 Read: Genesis 12:1–4; 17:1–2 God is always in control 2016-07-03