【Daily Bread】上帝的代言人God’s Mouthpiece As God’s people we are His mouthpiece to spread His go 2016-09-18
【Daily Bread】尊荣主名Honorable Living We honor God’s name when we call Him our Father and li 2016-09-17
【Daily Bread】At Risk of Falling 避免跌倒 Great blessings are often followed by great temptation 2016-09-14
【Daily Bread】并肩同行 Let Us (更正昨天的) Life in Christ is meant to be a shared experience.Let 2016-09-13
【Daily Bread】面对巨人Giants in the Land When fear knocks, answer it with faith.We should go up 2016-09-11
【Daily Bread】爱比较 Comparison Obsession God expresses His goodness to His children in His own 2016-09-10
【Daily Bread】That Thing You Do God will never turn away whoever turns to Him in fait 2016-09-09
【Daily Bread】An Open Hand 乐意付出 The open hand is blessed, for it gives in abundance ev 2016-09-08
【Daily Bread】Your Father Knows 天父知道 Your loving heavenly Father never takes His eyes off y 2016-09-06
【Daily Bread】传好消息 Who Will Tell Them 救主基督耶稣??已经把死废去,藉着福音,将不能坏的生命彰显出来。-提摩太后书1章10节第二次世界大战结束,各 2016-09-05
【Daily Bread】Shaping Your Thoughts心意更新 Read: Romans 12:1–8 Let God’s Spirit, not the world, s 2016-09-04
【Daily Bread】No Fear 不要惧怕 Read: Luke 2:8–20 God incarnate is the end of fear. F. 2016-09-03
【Daily Bread】因为我爱他 Because I Love Him Look forward eagerly for the Lord’s appearing.“Yes, I 2016-09-01
【Daily Bread】Who Are You Defending At just the right time, when we were still powerless, 2016-08-31
【Daily Bread】Not Perfect 不完美 Read: Romans 7:14–25The only difference between Christ 2016-08-28
【Daily Bread】The Price of Admission 入场费 Faith connects our weakness to God’s strength.信靠上帝,软弱者 2016-08-27
【Daily Bread】More Than We Can Imagine 超乎想像 Never measure God’s unlimited power by your limited ex 2016-08-26