【Daily Bread】The Gift of Encouragement 圣诞佳礼(英语) Encouragement may be the greatest gift we give this C 2017-01-07
【Daily Bread】Surround Sound 环绕音响 We can never praise Jesus too much!赞美耶稣,永不嫌多!The soun 2017-01-06
【Daily Bread】Beautiful Unity 美好合一 We keep unity by being united in the Spirit.圣灵在我们心里,使我 2017-01-05
【Daily Bread】圣诞亮灯 Christmas Lights(英语) I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will 2017-01-03
【Daily Bread】宝藏 The Treasure in Tomb I rejoice in your promise like one who finds great spo 2017-01-02
【Daily Bread】The View from 400 Miles 天外视野 God is at work to make us who He intends us to be.The 2016-12-31
【Daily Bread】听与行 Listeners and Doers True faith demands not only our words, but our actions 2016-12-30
【Daily Bread】What Are You Worth 你有多少价值? Our worth is measured by what God paid to rescue us.我们 2016-12-29
【Daily Bread】I’m Rich 我真富有! Rich treasures of God’s truth are waiting to be discov 2016-12-28
【Daily Bread】 Beautiful 美事 Everyone we meet bears the image of God.人人都有上帝的形象,都是祂所 2016-12-27
【Daily Bread】Joy for All 普世欢腾(更正昨天音频) The good news of Jesus’s birth is a source of joy for 2016-12-26
【Daily Bread】Joy for All 普世欢腾 The good news of Jesus’s birth is a source of joy for 2016-12-25
【Daily Bread】Christmas in Captivity 牢狱的圣诞(英语) The joy of Christmas is Jesus.耶稣的降生为我们带来光明和喜乐。On those 2016-12-24
【Daily Bread】我能献上什么 What Can I Give Him If I were a wise man, I would do my part. Yet what can 2016-12-23
【Daily Bread】A Personal Story 一个机会 Take the joy of Christmas with you every day.天天都散播从救主而 2016-12-21
【Daily Bread】Enemy Love 爱你的仇敌 Love conquers all.爱能胜过一切。If you love those who love yo 2016-12-19
【Daily Bread】Unsend 谨慎言语 The tongue has the power of life and death. Proverbs 2016-12-18
【Daily Bread】Best Deal Ever 最大的满足! True contentment does not depend on anything in this w 2016-12-17