【Daily Bread】奔跑与休息 Running and Rest In our life of faith and service, rest is as important 2017-04-10
【Daily Bread】Not the One 你不可建造 God may conceal the purpose of His ways, but His ways 2017-04-09
【Daily Bread】His Wonderful Face 祂奇妙荣面 Seeking the face of God can strengthen our faith.Look 2017-04-08
【Daily Bread】 因何记得 What Are You Known For Faithfulness to God is true success.忠心服事上帝才是真正的成功。[Mos 2017-04-06
【Daily Bread】Refreshing Spring Rains 冬去春来 Though we may be unfaithful to God, He will never turn 2017-04-05
【Daily Bread】小火灾 A Small Fire 这样,舌头在百体里也是最小的,却能说大话。看哪,最小的火能点着最大的树林。-雅各书3章5节在九月的一个星期天 2017-04-03
【Daily Bread】Something’s Wrong 有问题 The best kind of friend is a praying friend.祷告同伴乃为良友。T 2017-04-02
【Daily Bread】After You 谦让 God always gives His best to those who leave the choic 2017-04-01
【Daily Bread】由指缝流下 Spilling Through My Fingers We can trust God to handle the things that overwhelm u 2017-03-31
【Daily Bread】信仰传承 A Good Inheritance If someone has left you a godly inheritance, invest i 2017-03-30
【Daily Bread】Open Arms 向祂敞开 When worry walks in, strength runs out. But strength r 2017-03-29
【Daily Bread】Surprise Interview 意想不到 When we help or hurt one another, Jesus takes it pers 2017-03-28
【Daily Bread】这不适合我 It's Not Me Each of you should use whatever gift you have received 2017-03-27
【Daily Bread】Mayday 救我! God hears our cries for help and leads us in His way.上 2017-03-26
【Daily Bread】Home 家 Hope means the most to those who have lived without it 2017-03-25
【Daily Bread】Mistakes Were Made 犯错 They gave me the gold, and I threw it into the fire, a 2017-03-24
【Daily Bread】 Painting a Portrait 肖像画 JesusChrist有态度的有声杂志有信仰的英文学习长按二维码关注To show His love, Je 2017-03-23
【Daily Bread】Ruler of the Waves 浪涛的主 God is great, we are small, and that is good.上帝伟大,我们渺小 2017-03-22
【Daily Bread】The Gift of Welcome 爱心接待 JesusChrist有态度的有声杂志有信仰的英文学习长按二维码关注 2017-03-20