John Sung (Song Shangjie, 1901-1944) born in Putian, Fujian, was one of a Methodist minister’s 11 children, and earned the nickname “Little Pastor” when at age 13 he began standing in for his father (even preaching for him!).
A brilliant scholar , John completed his B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in only 5 years, even while working to support himself. He studied at Ohio State University and Ohio Wesleyan University. I've read that one can still see his research reports and chemistry essays at Ohio Statue University's library.
But John's faith foundered when he attended New York City’s Union Theological Seminary, which he called a “theological cemetery.”
After learning that God was dead and Christ had not risen, John turned to Buddhism, Taoism, and the Koran, but became depressed rather than enlightened.
He was on the verge of suicide when, on the evening of Feb. 10, 1927, he had a vision of Christ, who forgave him and changed his name to John (as in John the Baptist). John straight away told his favorite teacher, the famous Harry Emerson Fosdick, “You are of the devil! You made me lose my faith!” The “theological cemetery” promptly committed John to an insane asylum for 193 days.
The fiery youth got a crash course in patience during his incarceration, and claimed later that he read the bible cover to cover 40 times. After release he sailed back to China, and tossed his awards and degrees into the ocean, keeping only his doctorate (for his father’s sake). Like Carstairs and countless others, John Sung burned the candle at both ends and died young, on Aug. 18, 1944, but not before establishing an unparalleled reputation..
“Dr. John Sung was probably the greatest preacher of the 20th century. I have heard almost all of the great preachers from 1910 until now, including R. A. Torrey, Billy Sunday, Henry Jowett, and Billy Graham. ”William E. Schubert said, “Yet John Sung surpassed them all in pulpit power, attested by amazing and enduring results.”
威廉舒伯特说过:“宋约翰博士也许是二十世纪最伟大的布道者。从1910年至今,我聆听过几乎所有杰出布道者的宣讲,包括R. A. 托利,比利?桑迪、亨利?祖耶特和葛培理。但是宋约翰在讲坛上的表现力超过了他们所有人,其影响深远,令人惊叹。”
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