Growing in wisdom means growing in Christlikeness.
Perhaps you’re asking, “Shouldn’t believers acquire more wisdom?” Yes, we should. No matter how much of God’s wisdom we have, we should always hunger for more. The Bible tells us that we have all the principles we need to walk in wisdom, and yet there’s much more available to us. We should “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18), and we should be more and more conformed to the image of Christ by the transforming work of the Spirit of God. Our wisdom should increase, as should our godliness, but we are given the basic principles at salvation. Even though a person may not know all the truths in the Bible, God’s Spirit, who is resident in him from the moment of salvation, will convict and convince him of righteousness and sin.
What do you do if you want more wisdom? First, worship.
Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Make it your goal to have a worshipful heart throughout each day and to be faithful in attending the Lord’s house regularly (see Heb. 10:25). Second, pray. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” Make it your continual prayer to ask God for more of His wisdom. Third, receive instruction. The apostle Paul encouraged “admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom” (Col. 1:28 ). If you want more wisdom, one good way to receive it is to be instructed by someone who is wise. Finally, study Scripture. In 2 Timothy 2:15 Paul says, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth.” Set up a regular Bible study time, and let the Holy Spirit teach you.如果你想要更多的智慧,你要怎么做?首先,敬拜。箴言书9:10说:“敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端。”带着敬拜的心度过每一天,并定期忠实地去主的家(来10:25),让其成为你的目标。其次,祷告。雅各书1:5说:“你们中间若有缺少智慧的,应当求那厚赐与众人、也不斥责人的神,主就必赐给他。”求神赐下更多的智慧,让它作你不间断的祷告。第三,接受教导。使徒保罗鼓励我们:“用诸般的智慧,劝诫各人,教导各人”(西1:28)。如果你想要更多的智慧,一个领受智慧的好方法就是受到智慧人的教导。最后,研习圣经。在提摩太后书2:15,保罗说:“你当竭力在神面前得蒙喜悦,作无愧的工人,按着正意分解真理的道。”建立规律的研经时间,让圣灵来教训你。
What about you? Are you growing in wisdom? If not, make it your priority.
Ask God to help you grow in wisdom.
Make it your daily goal to implement the four ways mentioned in today’s lesson for growing in wisdom.
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