
【Daily Bread】Showing Grace 温和

Gracious words are always the right words.


Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6


The US Masters Golf Tournament began in 1934, and since then only three players have won it two years in a row. On April 10, 2016, it appeared that twenty-two-year-old Jordan Spieth would become the fourth. But he faltered on the last nine holes and finished in a tie for second. Despite his disappointing loss, Spieth was gracious toward tournament champion Danny Willett, congratulating him on his victory and on the birth of his first child, something “more important than golf.”

美国高尔夫名人赛开始于1934年,至今只有三位球员能连续两年夺得冠军奖杯。2016年4月10日,22岁的乔丹.史匹斯(Jordan Spieth)原本有望成为蝉联冠军的第四位球员,但可惜他后来表现失常,最后只是与人并列第二。史匹斯虽难掩失望,但仍温和地恭贺丹尼.魏列特(Danny Willett)获得冠军。史匹斯还特地恭贺他喜获麟儿,因为这比获得冠军更值得庆贺。

Writing in The New York Times, Karen Krouse said, “It takes grace to see the big picture so soon after having to sit through a trophy ceremony and watch someone else have his photograph taken.” Krouse continued, “Spieth’s ball-striking was off all week, but his character emerged unscathed.”


Paul urged the followers of Jesus in Colossae to “be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Col. 4:5–6).


As those who have freely received God’s grace, it is our privilege and calling to demonstrate it in every situation of life—win or lose.


Dear Lord, help me by Your Spirit to 

be gracious and kind to others and to represent You well.



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