



“主藉使徒的手在民间行了许多神迹奇事。” - 徒 5:12









 All Is Not Lost

The apostles performed many signs and wonders among the people. — Acts 5:12



As Luke tells the story of the mighty acts of God in and through his church, he wants to make sure that we understand the ongoing work and ministry of God’s people. The story of Ananias and Sapphira has led to death and fear, but it is not the end of the story, and all is not lost.

The ministry of Jesus through his body, the church, goes on. One way that Luke highlights this continuing work is in the ministry of healing. Just as Jesus was known as a healer, the apostles became known for their work in healing. And many people who were sick and tormented by spirits were healed.

While we may not be living in a time when an apostle’s very shadow brings healing, we do live in a time when we are still called to bring people who are ill and troubled before the church for prayer—and, specifically, prayer for healing. The apostles did not heal. They were agents of healing by the power and in the name of Jesus.

Notice that while many people brought their loved ones to the apostles for healing, there is a note that some people did not dare join the believers who met together in Solomon’s Colonnade. May we not be people who do not dare to join, but may we instead be drawn even deeper to the church that continues to proclaim the message and ministry of healing in the name of Christ, our Savior.


Dear God of healing, today we remember not just ourselves but also the people we know who are in need. May we be your agents of prayer and healing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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