



“那地的金子是好的;在那里又有珍珠和红玛瑙。” - 创 2:12




这些经文让我们产生一些很有意思的联想。这些提到红玛瑙的经文,指出什么事情和什么人是重要的。第一,造物主得到了称颂:在哈腓拉地的红玛瑙是好的,价值和金子并列 — 其实,历史上红玛瑙向来被视为珍贵的宝石。第二,蒙神拣选的人是宝贵和不会被遗忘的:神要把他们的名字刻在这块宝石上。

在启示录21章圣城的描述中,红玛瑙是其中一种用来修饰城墙根基的宝石,它呼应神一开始美善的创造。加上其他代表“以色列儿子” — 也就是今天所有属神的子民 — 各种宝石,我们可以看到,在永恒中,神看衪的子民何等宝贵!而藉着我们的救主基督,我们能有份成为衪的子民!




 In The Beginning

"The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx are also there." - Genesis 2:12



In Genesis 2 we find a little detail that there was onyx in the land of Havilah. Where else does the Bible mention onyx, and what is its significance?

Onyx is a very hard rock that shows beautiful bands in it when polished. It was often used to make jewelry and carvings. Onyx is mentioned about a dozen times in Scripture. Several of those references are in the descriptions of Aaron’s priestly garments: “Take two onyx stones and engrave on them the names of the sons of Israel.”

These references give us an opportunity to make an interesting connection. These passages mentioning onyx point out what and who is significant. First, a tribute is made to the Creator: along with gold, the onyx found in Havilah is considered good—and, indeed, onyx has been valued as a precious stone throughout history. Second, the people whom God has chosen are precious and unforgettable: God wants their names carved into this gem.

In the description of the Holy City in Revelation 21, onyx is one of the stones in the city’s foundation, a gleaming echo of God’s good creation. And along with the other gemstones representing “the sons of Israel”—that is, all of God’s people today—we can see how precious God’s people are to him in eternity. Through Christ, our Savior, that includes us too!


Father, thank you that the details in Scripture reveal wonderful insights about you and your care for us. Thank you for reminding us that all you have made is good and precious—including us! Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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