



“在他面前有烈风大作,崩山碎石。” - 王上 19:11



接着耶和华便向以利亚显现。神奇妙地施展祂控制大自然的能力:烈风大作、地震、和火,这个情景,就好像先前决斗的时候从天上戏剧性地降火那件事的回响(列王纪上 18:30-39)。






  Wind, Rock, And Whispers

"A great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD." - 1 Kings 19:11



Soon after Elijah’s great success that we reflected on yesterday, Elijah escapes to the wilderness to avoid being hunted down by his enemies. He is exhausted and so discouraged that he wants to die.

Then the Lord appears to Elijah. God gives some amazing demonstrations of his power over nature: a great and powerful wind, an earthquake, and a fire. It’s like an echo of the showdown that brought dramatic fire from heaven (1 Kings 18:30-39).

Wind, fire, and earthquakes were all recognized as signs of divine revelation in ancient times, so it makes sense that God chose to reveal himself in connection with those things. But God shows here that he is not in the wind, or the fire, or the earthquake itself. Instead, God speaks to Elijah in a gentle whisper. So Elijah experiences the presence of God by means of a gentle, whispering voice in the midst of silence. And Elijah covers his face, knowing he is in the presence of almighty God.

In this tender way God shows just as powerfully that the Lord who speaks gently with a whisper is the same God who can tear mountains apart and break down evil. And when he asks, “What are you doing here?” he shows that he has plans to keep bringing his kingdom into this world, and he calls us to work on this with him.


God of all creation, you keep working in our midst, and by your Spirit you are powerfully present in our lives. Move us to hear your voice, your gentle whispering, and assure us of your purposes each day. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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