



“‘你若是神的儿子,可以吩咐这些石头变成食物。’” - 太 4:3




在我们的生命中,或许有些时候我们会受到试探,去利用我们个人的有利条件来叫自己得益处;有的时候,这些事也甚至似乎是无可厚非的。然而,这样做若牵涉到令神蒙羞,这就是罪了 — 而我们自己也知道是不对的。





 Turn These Stones Into Bread

“If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” - Matthew 4:3



Jesus performed lots of amazing miracles during his ministry, including multiplying food for thousands of people. So why didn’t he do something that would have helped to sustain him in the desert? Why would Jesus have refused to turn the stones into bread?

Well, Jesus’ mission as he lived among us was to glorify God in all that he did. So that would not include giving in to a temptation from the devil. Jesus refused to be manipulated to use his power or his position as the Son of God to his own advantage. Instead, he was obedient in every way, showing us how to live by God’s will. And as he was tempted, he drew on his close relationship with the Father and leaned on the teachings of Scripture to live in obedience.

There may be times in our lives when we are tempted to use our personal advantage to serve our own interests, and sometimes it might even seem a harmless thing to do. But if doing so would involve dishonoring God, it would be a sin—and we know that.

Jesus demonstrates how to resist temptation. By dwelling in Scripture and listening to the Father’s voice, we can receive power to turn away from self-serving, self-destructive actions. We will be able to recognize the ways in which the devil twists the truth, and we will be able to resist temptation, following in Jesus’ steps.


Lord, so often we are tempted. Fill us with your Spirit and help us to dwell in your Word so that we may be equipped with your truth. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

诵读:楚云丨片头: 张妙阳





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